Free from Artificial Chemicals

The term 'Organic' alludes to how food is produced. Organic means lesser or no use of chemicals, synthetics, no additives, no artificial flavor, no pesticides or fertilizers, and so on. To be named Organic, food should be liberated from chemicals and added substances.

Presently the question is how can one comprehend which food is organic and which food isn't? You can find this answer at the back of the food packaging. Suppose you run over words like - Phthalates, Perfluoroalkyl Chemicals (P.F.C.s), Perchlorate, and Artificial food tones, composed on the packet. In that case, it's ideal to keep away from it, as they have been processed with chemicals which can hurt the body over the long haul. If you're searching for food that is affirmed organic and natural, you should search for items that are validated by bodies like USDA, Indian Organic, Jaivik Bharat etc. The verification from these bodies is proof of genuine organic items.

You should be aware of the realities about organic and non-organic food that would assist you with settling on a mindful choice.


No pesticides or added chemical substances

This is quite possibly of the most compelling motivation why organic is better for you. The way the crops are produced naturally without using chemicals or pesticides makes them cleaner and better.

Eating organic and natural decreases the number of chemicals in your eating routine to be specific persistent pesticides. The usage of bug sprays, fungicides, manures and weedkillers is wholly eradicated in organic food cultivation.

Organic cultivation totally eradicates the usage of fertilizers and pesticides. Still, some bio manure and natural pesticides & insecticides are used, which are essentially gotten from normal substances like Neem, Essential Oils, Cow dung, Vermicompost etc. These regular pesticides should be endorsed for organic farming. The overall guideline for the general rundown is that naturally happening materials are permitted, and artificially made materials are denied.


complete BAN on GMOs

Many of us can't help thinking about GMO crops' impacts on our food platters. "GMO" (Genetically Modified Organism) is the common term consumers, and well-known media use to portray a plant, creature, or microorganism that has changed its DNA. It uses technology that generally involves the specific modification of DNA, including the transfer of specific DNA from one organism to another. Researchers frequently allude to this interaction as hereditary designing. Starting from the first genetically engineered crops, or GMOs, available to be sold to consumers were planted during the 1990s.

As GM food varieties are beginning to barge into our diets aggressively, genuine concerns have been communicated worldwide. Research studies with specific GM food sources have shown that they may poisonously impact body organs and systems.

Most studies with GM foods indicate that they may cause common toxic effects on hepatic, pancreatic, renal, or reproductive organs. They can also alter the haematological, biochemical, and immunologic parameters.

Consuming organic is the most effective way to avoid GMO food products, ingredients and contaminants. The usage of GMOs is wholly denied in organic farming. This implies that organic farmers can't sow GMO seeds, and organic food makers can't put any GMO ingredients. Farmers and food processors must ensure that they aren't using GMOs and are safeguarding their products from contact with prohibited substances like GMOs.

Good for soil’s health

Natural fertilizers and composts like manures made from biofuels are used to grow organic crops. Cattle raised organically are entirely refrained from antibiotics, hormones or any chemical substance to induce growth.

Organic farming, in general, develops soil quality and maintains the cleanliness of groundwater. It likewise lessens contamination and is better for the environment.

Organic farmers use ecological methods with environmental advantages, such as water management techniques, minimum or no-till, creating and maintaining the habitat for beneficial insects and vertebrates, and organic pest control. These naturally defensive practices add to an upgraded ecosystem, improved water and soil quality, and biodiversity.


Traditional or ordinary farming generally uses minimum crop rotations. The same single crop is grown on the same field every year. This is known as 'Mono Cropping' and is highly responsible for depleting nutrients and minerals. Hydrocarbon-based fertilizers and mined minerals like phosphate are constantly added to the soil because the soil is already deprived of nutrients and minerals. Traditional farming tends to depend on non-renewable resources. Monocultures and the resulting poor health open the way for infestations of insects, diseases and weeds. But a healthy and bio-diverse soil prevents these infestations to a large extent. The absence of biodiversity requires chemically infused pesticides and herbicides to be used, further destroying the quality and health of the soil.

Biological fertilizers like compost, bio-waste, animal manure, and legume cover crops convert into soil organic matter. Soil water is highly retained, and soil microbial communities are greatly nurtured, keeping nitrogen in the soil longer and transforming it into non-leachable gaseous forms. It is also suggested that improved soil quality influences the ability of crops to withstand or repel insect attacks and plant disease.

Green Economy booster

Organic farming can act as a catalyst in transforming the green economy by reforming and revitalizing the agriculture sector.

It creates an employment chain that provides better labor input returns per unit.

Food and income security can be secured for the rural & farming communities by regularizing fair business practices. Investors and various service providers are also getting new opportunities in organic farming.

The contribution of agriculture to the countries' economies can be increased by tangible measures like decreased import bills for farm inputs and encouraging exports of organic products, especially in nations like India, where agriculture has been a source of employment for a large population.

Green Economy booster

Traditional and industrial farming produces exceptional returns per hectare by using external inputs like fossil fuels, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and strong chemicals infused growth boosters, which negatively affect the climate and soil. Usage of these synthetic elements results in higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation and depletion of natural capital.

These extremities are a much more enormous liability to the economy when compared to the benefits.

Soil erosion; loss of human health and life (caused by pesticides and other chemicals); reduced natural resistance of crops to pests; loss of biodiversity, pollution of water; and costs associated with climate change- all these are a burden to the economies worldwide and have a long associating impact.

Organic farming plays a vital role in the sustainable and holistic development of the economy. Significantly growing and developing nations such as India should grab the opportunity.

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